Sentinel Events


A Sentinel Event is defined by The Joint Commission as “any unanticipated event in a healthcare setting resulting in death or serious physical or psychological injury to a patient or patients, not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness." Sentinel Events include:
  • Alleged sexual assult or complaint of nonconsexual sexual activity. 

  • Sexual violation of a non-consenting or incompetent adult, including sexual activity considered inappropriate because of circumstances, situation or environment, which infringes on a person’s freedom or rights or involves high risk of disease transmission.
  • Elopement, escape or period in which a client is missing from a restricted living unit or supervised/escorted activity or unsupervised furlough/visit/pass.
  • Incident involving a client that occurs in the community, such as an arrest, crime or conflictive situation with another person(s) that could potentially result in a negative outcome or media attention.
  • Death of a client that occurs while in the care or residence of a Liberty program/service or death that occurs within seven days of discharge from a Liberty program/service, which may be attributed to an unusual occurrence, accidental or unnatural cause, “unattended” status, or procedural/treatment error.
  • Threats or acts of violence, such as bomb threats, arson, abduction,or the use of weapons and/or toxic chemical agents.
  • Homicide or credible suicide attempt occurring within the program/service.
  • Confirmed/substantiated allegations of client physical abuse, gross neglect or exploitation. Significant incidents affecting the life and safety of a patient that appear highly unusual for the program/setting. Legal issues and/or events that could result in possible litigation (e.g. lawsuits filed by a client that could bring media attention).
  • Felonious behavior (e.g., production/sale/distribution of illegal drugs, murder, manslaughter, rape) or significant illicit behavior involving staff or clients that could adversely impact the reputation of the organization. Five or more falls or accidents of a client within a one year period resulting in injury.
  • Serious injury (e.g., wounds requiring more than three sutures/staples to close, concussions, fractures, dislocations, or injury which, in the opinion of the Physician, may result in permanent disability, impairment, or disfiguration) of a client or employee requiring treatment by a Physician.
  • Any loss or destruction of facility property with a replacement cost of $500 or more.

Reporting Instructions:

  1. If you are not the manager or program director, you need to contact your immediate supervisor to verbally report the incident immediately.
  2. If you are the designated reporting individual for this event, complete the Sentinel Event Form attached to this link. This form will serve as the initial reporting form for Sentinel Events.
  3. Send the completed form attached to a secured Liberty email to within 24 hours of the incident.
  4.  You will need to consult with the Vice President, Performance to complete the investigation and root cause analysis (if appropriate). You may consult the Liberty SOP Sentinel Event for additional guidance and information.

Additional Manager Reporting Instructions:

  1.  If an investigation is required or recommended, complete the Investigation Report Form, and send within 10 calendar days to Vice President, Performance (
  2. If the investigation results in a corrective action plan or recommendations for changes, complete the Follow Up Report within 90 days of event and send to Robin Burkert, Vice President, Performance. (
Incident Reporting Policy
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